On 30 November, the P4H-CD organized a bilateral meeting at the office of the CNAM in Paris with the deputy chairman of the board of the Kazakhstan Fund.
These following words are translated from Russian and were spoken by Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Social Health Insurance Fund of Kazakhstan Gulzhan Shaikhybekova, who is a member of the P4H-SG. The translation is by Ainur Aiypkhanova, P4H community facilitator for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
At the request of the Kazakhstan Fund, Julie Galode, Sophie Lopes, and Anaïs Peano from the outreach, prospective analysis, and international relations department of CNAM prepared and presented information about the compulsory health insurance system in France. They covered the historical stages of population coverage, the mechanism of fund collection, the extraordinary decision of the French government to cover the deficit of CNAM funds and the role of the Caisse d’amortissement de la dette sociale (known as CADES), as well as policies combating fraud. Eric Berton, the technical coordinator within the department of CNAM responsible for medical procedures, discussed the process of tariff definition, payment incentivization, and contracting with health care service providers, highlighting scientifically based approaches in determining prices for medical services.
During three and a half hours, very valuable information applicable to the development of the compulsory health insurance system and the Kazakhstan Fund was obtained, showcasing impressive figures.
The Kazakhstan Fund is interested in signing a memorandum of understanding, conducting a series of meetings, and organizing training seminars for our experts in various fields of activity.
Our words of gratitude to CNAM for accessibility, enthusiasm, willingness to share, transparency. Contacts have been established; communication will continue.