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Ministry of Healthcare and the Federal Health Insurance Fund are increasing salaries of doctors in Russia - P4H Network

Ministry of Healthcare and the Federal Health Insurance Fund are increasing salaries of doctors in Russia

After an external review by the Accounts Chamber that oversees the appropriate use of budgetary funds across government agencies, the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (MoH) and the Federal Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF) identified specific measures to increase salaries for doctors, according to the joint commentary of the Ministry and MHIF.

Earlier it was reported that the funds provided by the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund in the first half of the year to increase the salaries of doctors in 2021 in the amount of 18.3 billion rubles (about 250 million USD) were used only by 2.7%.

In particular, starting this year, MoH and MHIF expanded the list of the types of medical organizations and the types of medical care which are elibigle to get additional funds from the standardized insurance stock of the territorial MHIF for remuneration of doctors and nurses.

For example, the expanded list of medical organizations approved by the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia now includes ambulance stations, emergency hospitals, and specialized hospitals. In addition, a new draft order of the Ministry of Healthcare was prepared, which further expands the list of eligible health care organizations.

“Reasons for failed distribution of available funds to attraact doctors and nurses to medical organizations will be analyzed, in order to develop effective corrective actions as part of the national project “Healthcare” – states the joint message of the MoH and MHIF.

Source: Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation and RIA novosti at: 

Picture by: RIA novosti.

Published on 16 Nov 2021