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MoH request to develop UHC options paper - Feb 2014 - P4H Network

MoH request to develop UHC options paper – Feb 2014

Request communicated to P4H CD by Munguti Nzoya (MoH) on Wednesday, 19 February 2014,

The Ministry of Health TWG on UHC has finalized the ToR for consultancy services to develop an options paper for UHC in Kenya. The consultant will synthesize the three (draft) reports developed by the consultants (review of the health financing functions and proposal for feasible financing options in Kenya; Institutional and organizational arrangements for UHC in Kenya and; Status of UHC in Kenya with respect to equity, access and service coverage) and develop the paper.

In view of the above, you are therefore advised to go ahead and recruit Jan Bultman (resume attached) to provide consultancy services for this exercise. Jan will be the lead consultant supported by the other P4H experts seconded by each organization to UHC-TWG. The expected time-lines and deliverable are stipulated in the TORs attached. The consultant will report to the Head, Directorate of Planning Policy and Finance (Ministry of Health), Nairobi, Kenya.

Attached please find the ToR for the options paper, the Resume for the consultant and the draft UHC reports from the three national consultants. Note the reports are currently being reviewed and expect inputs from members by close of business Friday, 21st February, 2014.


Thanks for your continued support and collaboration in health development.



Nzoya Munguti




19 Feb 2014