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Mozambique to reassess health budgetary priorities after cyclone Idai - P4H Network

Mozambique to reassess health budgetary priorities after cyclone Idai

Mozambique is assessing the social and economic consequences of cyclone Idai, that hit the country on 14th and 15th March, 2019. Death toll has risen to 598 and 135.000 families are affected, of which 127.000 live in shelters and makeshift camps. Cholera outbreak has reached 1.000 people, and one death has been recorded. At least 4 Cholera Treatment Centers are in place to treat and vaccinate against cholera.

Ministry of Health is re-assessing its budgetary planning for 2019 after first emergency response and coordination of massive international aid. Beira Central Hospital needs reconstruction to be operational, especially the nursery and operations theatre, severly damaged. Other 35 health units have been affected.

User fees have been temporarily suspended until 31st. December, 2019 in the two affected provinces. It will be interesting to assess effects on use of services, financial protection, quality of provision, and financing of health units, especially hospitals. Disbursements from Common Fund donors are likely to be advanced.

Published on 02 Apr 2019