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National roadmap for the introduction of UHIP - P4H Network

National roadmap for the introduction of UHIP

A decree (March 2016) and a decision (July 2016) from the Ministry of Solidarity and Humanitarian Action set up the administrative mechanism for drawing up the legal provisions of the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU). Ministerial decision of the members of the Mali RAMU expert group July 2016 decision CMU Mali Reflection and Monitoring Committee March 2016 The “Reflection Committee” also has a roadmap and the “Expert Group” works on the basis of an action plan. CNR roadmap for CMU – Saleck input Copy of CMU Operational Implementation Plan The WHO IST/WA Health Financing Policy Adviser proposes to focus on this scheme, suggesting that we are approaching a unique window of opportunity for the creation of a UHIP in Mali. The partners are invited to collaborate more than ever on health financing policy and CMU. Note stratégique sur le RAMU au Mali à l

06 Sep 2016