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Niger: 50% reduction in the cost of healthcare in public facilities - P4H Network

Niger: 50% reduction in the cost of healthcare in public facilities

The Niger authorities have decided to reduce the cost of health services in public health centers by 50%, according to a communiqué issued at the end of a council of ministers held on August 22, 2024.

The weekly meeting of the executive ruled on patient care in Niger‘s public health structures. The new pricing system consists of a 50% reduction in the costs currently charged in public health facilities, and covers curative consultations for people over the age of 5, observation of patients, hospitalization, laboratory tests, imaging tests and medical and surgical procedures.

The Council of Ministers also announced that ” deliveries are free of charge, and from now on, for dialysis, patients will no longer have to pay the lifetime fee of 150,000 FCFA “.

These new measures are in addition to the free health care measure implemented by Niger since 2006.
This involves making health services free of charge for certain categories of the population, particularly children under the age of five (5) and women.
