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NIGER: FCFA 24.5 billion to strengthen resilience - P4H Network

NIGER: FCFA 24.5 billion to strengthen resilience

The Minister of the Interior and Decentralization, Mr Hamadou Adamou Souley, presided over the official launch of the Niger-Chad Emergency Development Program (PDU) in Niamey on the morning of January 26. The aim of the program is to help improve living conditions and strengthen the resilience of communities in the border regions of Niger (Tillabéri, Tahoua, Agadez and Diffa) and the provinces of Chad (Kanem and Lac). Financed by the European Union to the tune of 24.5 billion FCFA, the program is being implemented by 5 consortia over a 4-year period.

The leadership of the PDU Niger-Tchad inter-consortia unit is provided by the NGO Save The Children, with the aim of facilitating coordination and representation of the program, which has 5 objectives: 

  • promote access to a social protection system for highly vulnerable households;
  • improve access to basic social services for vulnerable people;
  • preserving and promoting livelihoods among very poor households ;
  • improve relations between residents and representatives of the state authority in the project’s communes, and enhance social cohesion,
  • prevent and manage conflicts in project localities. 

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Published on 28 Jan 2022