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P4H CD visit: advancing P4H support to HFS development -/10/2015 - P4H Network

P4H CD visit: advancing P4H support to HFS development -/10/2015

The P4H CD was given the opportunity to join a WB mission from 19-23 Oct in Lusaka and connect with various national and development partners to discuss the potential role of the P4H Network in moving the HF for UHC agenda forward, in particular regarding the HF strategy process.

CD Objectives of visit


  • Assessment/update of current HF related processes (HFS, SHI bill, etc) particularly in view of coordination and collaboration among stakeholders;
  • Providing information about P4H, opportunities for networking and joint support;
  • Coaching and positioning of new P4H Country Focal Point in Zambian HFS processes;
  • Clarification on role of P4H Network in Zambian HFS and SHI process


Agreements and next steps (MoH/CP HF meeting on 22 Oct 2015)


  • Revive and speed up HFS process; UNZA/WHO to come up with roadmap
  • P4H accepted as supporting network for HFS process (by MoH + DPs)
  • P4H Country Focal Point (informal mandate, clarification of role) to facilitate process: stock taking of DP support and facilitating exchange among stakeholders




  • P4H Country Focal Point to carry out DP mapping, facilitate development of road map and joint support plan  (objective to get HFS process moving again);
  • 12 Nov DP meeting to provide further directions and clarity on roadmap, contributions, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders

  See CD report for details: 2015_11_05_P4H_CD-Report_Zambia_visit_19-13Oct2015

05 Nov 2015