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P4HC+ update and joint support plan (draft) - P4H Network

P4HC+ update and joint support plan (draft)

The new coordination mechanism called P4H Cambodia+ (P4HC+) bringing 12 organizations to the table is taking off. The update below provides some context and info on upcoming activities.

Context:  With the onset of 2016 a new breeze went through the Cambodian health (financing) scene. 

  • The third Health Strategic Plan is nearing completion but the health financing section is already outlined.
  • The Ministry of Economy and Finance drafted its Framework on Social Protection and will invite development partners for critical reflections. The document is welcome as it sets direction for the country towards universal health coverage. As such it endorses the launching of social health insurance for formal private sector employees, to be followed by insurance for civil servants. Dependents will be included at a later stage. The ministry projects health equity funds for the poor to be entirely funded and managed by the government from 2020 onwards and anticipates expansion of the eligible population towards vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities and older people. The non-poor informal sector population will be covered by mandatory health insurance following an intermediate period of voluntary enrolment. In common with the previous consultation process of development partners, feedback will be provided as a joint effort.
  • Selected development partners are set to embark on pooled funding arrangements from July onwards. Associated changes include a reconsideration of the health equity fund operations, the only functional social health protection scheme to date. Changes include a reconfiguration of the roles of the health equity fund operators, the NGOs that administer the funds at health facilities and operational health districts. As such they will do less administrative work and focus more on ensuring uptake of entitlements by the beneficiaries.


P4HC+: concurrent with the new developments and many new faces amongst the partners, P4H’s operations and approach were reconsidered. A modus operandi was drafted and is nearing completion following two meetings. Partners include all bi- and multilateral organisations engaged in health financing in Cambodia or recognised as members at global level. The collaboration, coordination, cooperation and alignment arrangements for health financing and social health protection toward universal coverage in Cambodia are named P4HC+ and 12 organisations participate.  


An initial overview of activities, technically and financially supported by these organisations, was drafted. It indicates a considerable enthusiasm for support, up to the point of congestion, to the Ministry of Health, but little activities directed to other main players such as Ministry of Economy and Finance (overall guidance) and Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (social health insurance for formal sector employees and civil servants).



Following extensive discussions and preparations invitations for the Leadership for Universal Health Coverage Programme were sent to the Ministers of Health, Economy and Finance, and Labour with the request for participation of senior officials. Twelve representatives were identified, including three vice-ministers and one deputy-vice-minister, three director generals, and three departmental directors.

       Source: P4H Country Focal Point in Cambodia

18 Apr 2016