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Participation of the P4H regional focal point in the UCESIF conference in Niamey - P4H Network

Participation of the P4H regional focal point in the UCESIF conference in Niamey

On September 19 and 20, the

nion of Economic and Social Councils
 et Institutions similaires des Etats et gouvernements membres de la Francophonie (UCESIF) organized a symposium in Niamey on “the implementation of universal social protection floors: successes  and difficulties”, inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Niger, Mr Brigi Rafini. 
Mr. Bernard Capdeville
 represented the EESC and moderated one of the sessions.

The event was attended by the Congolese Minister of Social Affairs, Humanitarian Action and Solidarity, the Vice-Minister of Gender and Women’s Affairs and the Deputy Minister of Women’s Affairs. of Social Protection from Ghana, 9 delegations from ESC members of La Francophonie, including several led by their presidents,  a hundred or so senior officials from African administrations responsible for social protection, and several international organizations (ILO, WHO, UNDP, UNFPA, FAO, IADEP).

The speakers made a point of putting forward concrete proposals, sparking lively discussions over the two days.

The various aspects of the implementation of social protection floors were explored, particularly complex in a sub-region where lack of resources, political instability and extreme poverty call for innovative and effective national solidarity mechanisms, backed by political will.

The many testimonials demonstrated that it is possible to ensure a minimum level of protection for all, even with limited resources.  As Juan Somavia, former Director General of the
the world does not lack the resources to eradicate poverty, it lacks the real priorities”. 

Event Time : 19 Sep 2014 7:00 am to 20 Sep 2014 2:00 pm
Event is Conference : No