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Possible support for a health financing strategy - P4H Network

Possible support for a health financing strategy

On 4 May 2013, Mubita Luwabelwa (MoH) wrote:

Dear Mr. Adelhardt,

Thank you for your email. I am sorry for replying a few days late – I was out of town.

We certainly welcome the support in this process and we look forward to discussion and refining how we can collaborate. The process of the HFS as agreed in our last meeting was that it would be lead by the Ministry of Health but for the sake of moving the process and benefitting from the expanse of expertise, the process would be done under the auspices of the Health Care Financing Technical Working Group – HCFTWG (it is one of our governance structures in our collaboration with partners and stakeholders). We also agreed that we would also further anchor the work on an individual consultant at the university of Zambia economics department who in turn would be supported by the economics department. Our expectation is that the consultant or the department will not work alone but will actively work with stakeholders  within the HCFTWG, which will play a critical role in the process. On a practical level, we have passed on a tentative agreed outline of the expected document (We had about 3 versions and agreeing on one was taking some time hence the direction the Ministry took).

The consultant working with the HCFTWG is expected to lead some discussions on who can contribute what and in which section and what section can the consultant work on. The consultant is then expected to merge the incoming data/write-ups and triangulate as much of the data as possible. A draft HFS will then be tabled for discussion and refinement by the HCFTWG team. This is basically what we envisioned.

As stated, we welcome your support and kindly let us know if you have any thoughts on how best it can be done. The process is still open for refinement. We envision another meeting in the next two weeks. Kind regards


Mubita Luwabelwa
Deputy Director (Planning and Budgeting)
Directorate of Policy & Planning
Ministry of Health Headquarters
P.O. Box 30205
Tel: +260-211-254427; +260-211-253040;
Mobile: +260-977-975744



On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:18 PM, ADELHARDT, Michael <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Luwabelwa,
dear Dr. Masiye,

please allow me to follow-up on the discussion you had with Kagulula on possible support to the HF strategy for universal health coverage in Zambia.  In order to get a better understanding of the process and support requirements, we would appreciate if you could share with us some information how you intend to go about this.

The more info we have on the conceptual framework, the HF policy objectives, avaible and planned analytical work, suggested strategy outline and process, stakeholder involvement, time frame, etc., the better we can tailor the contribution.

If you would find it useful, we also could try and schedule a call for some time next week to discuss this further (both Bayar and I are back in the office next week).  Or kindly let us know if you have other suggestions for the next steps.

Many thanks and best regards,

Dr. Michael Adelhardt
P4H Network Coordinator



From: <KAGULURA>, Solomon Sitinadziwe <>
Date: Saturday, 27 April 2013 11:32


Greetings and many thanks for this important email. I wish also to thank Dr ADELHARDT and Dr Kutzin for the interest and support given to date.

I have discussed this issue with both colleagues at Ministry of Health and University of Zambia and they are very much ready to work with you as suggested. The Country office appreciates so much your intervention and has no objection to your support.

In order to move quickly on this issue, you may wish to contact;

Mr. Mubita Luwabelwa- Deputy Director Planning and Budgeting Ministry of Health :    Email   mobile: +260977975744

Or Dr Felix Masiye- Head Of Economics Department  –University of Zambia : Email :        Mobile : + +260976393366

With best regards,

Kagulula [WHO Zambia]

Published on 04 May 2013
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