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Pre-identification mission for Agence Française de Développement's I3S project - September 2013 - P4H Network

Pre-identification mission for Agence Française de Développement’s I3S project – September 2013

In 2013, France has decided to devote part of the proceeds from the Taxe sur les Transactions Financières (TTF) to strengthening social equilibrium by improving access to healthcare for children in the Sahel, for a total amount of 30 million euros. This Initiative Solidarité Santé Sahel (I3S) aims to help reduce child mortality and accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals on child health. Implemented by AFD, it will finance projects designed to help set up and/or strengthen solidarity-based mechanisms for sustainable financing of primary healthcare for children aged 0-5 in six Sahelian countries.

Carried out in close collaboration with P4H network partners, the mission’s objectives are as follows:

  • have an overview of the Senegalese healthcare system in terms of social protection;
  • pay particular attention to understanding current payment exemption systems (logistical, administrative, organizational and financial functioning), and the reform proposals put forward (FNSS, CMU);
  • analyse the strategies and resources for health financing already put in place by bilateral and multilateral donors and CSOs working in the sector;
  • identify, in liaison with the relevant authorities, the areas of application that could be funded under this initiative in the first half of 2014 (areas of intervention for the future competition).

Published on 11 Sep 2013