From: Kai Straehler-Pohl, GIZ
Sent: 14 May 2014
Subject: Leadership for UHC – Notification of acceptance and next steps
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that the nomination of your team and you as individuals has been accepted for the GIZ-WBI Leadership for UHC Program. You will receive formal confirmation letters through the local World Bank office in your country.
We have confirmed participation from teams in (by alphabet) Ethiopia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. We think this provides the basis for a fantastic exchange.
Please note that the confirmed dates of the kick-off workshop are 23-26 June; the workshop will held in South Africa in the vicinity of Johannesburg/Pretoria. The exact venue will be communicated shortly.
In preparation, we would like to request some additional information regarding teams and collect the information necessary to manage your travel efficiently.
As indicated previously, we would like to know more about your team and you as individuals, in order to maximize the program effectiveness. We would therefore like to ask you to fill in the mini questionnaire for participants (document 1) and submit it by 07/06/14 to me.
In addition, our program facilitators, Martin Kalungu-Banda and Benjamin Kafka (in cc), would like to conduct short interviews of approx. 30-45min with each participant; No written submissions are required, the attached guide only (document 2) serves as a reference for you:
Lastly, we encourage participants to prepare for the program by taking some time to speak to UHC practitioners not participating in the program and bring their stories to the kick-off workshop, the Dialogue Interview Guide (document 3) provides some basics on methods and sample questions. Again, no written submissions are required, the guide is only to help your preparations and experiences will be shared during the workshops.
You can direct yourself to me for any questions in relation to the program and its content.
Travel management will be handled by the World Bank Institute (Jacque Chidothe, in cc) for the first workshop for all participants, and for later workshops by the respective funding agents. We request you to fill in the attached form (document 4) and return it to Jacque as soon as possible, but not later than 26/05/14. Please contact her in case of any question regarding travel and logistics arrangements.
Please note that some of you may be required to apply for a Visa in South Africa. This process needs to be initiated as soon as possible by all participants individually who require a Visa.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon and send you kind regards.
Kai Straehler-Pohl
Sector Project P4H, Social Protection Section
4-LD@UHC_Participant Travel Form
3-LD@UHC_Pre-workshop interview UHC