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Projet Spark Santé: A catalyst for the operationalization of CMU - P4H Network

Projet Spark Santé: A catalyst for the operationalization of CMU

On May 6 and 7, 2024, several experts gathered in Abidjan for the closing of the Spark-santé project (Strategic Purchase and Harmonization of Health Financing and Skills) of the World Bank Group, jointly with the Global Finance Facility (GFF).

In figures, the World Bank Group has released US$220 million (around CFAF 130 billion) to finance the Spark-santé project for the Ivorian healthcare system. To mark the end of the project, a two-day workshop was held in Abidjan.

I am pleased to announce that Project Health Spark, which was launched with the


anque mondiale

in 2019 was a great success. Scheduled to run for six years, from 2019 to 2025, Project Spark Santé will have fulfilled all its promises and achieved its development indicators ahead of schedule. In just four years, we have achieved our development objectives, improving the use and quality of healthcare services in Côte d’Ivoire . “Dr Aka Charles Koffi, Director of Cabinet, representing the Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage, Pierre N’Gou Dimba.

According to the representative of the Minister of Health, this project has enabled Côte d’Ivoire to introduce a performance culture as part of hospital reform and the empowerment of health establishments. Indeed, thanks to performance-based funding, 100% of public hospitals and first-contact healthcare facilities have been opened.

The Spark santé project has also served as a catalyst for the operationalization of Universal Health Coverage, with the encouraging results we have today both in terms of subscriptions and patient care.

The World Bank’s Director of Operations, Marie-Chantal Uwanyiigira, said the program was of the utmost importance.

He was certainly executed in an exemplary fashion. He was able to close a year earlier and it’s a titanic achievement in Côte d’Ivoire. “.

Franck YEO, Projet Spark santé: Objective achieved ahead of schedule, - published on 06 May 2024
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