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Reducing out-of-pocket payments for health in order to achieve UHC in Mongolia - P4H Network

Reducing out-of-pocket payments for health in order to achieve UHC in Mongolia

Reducing out-of-pocket payments for health in order to achieve universal health coverage in Mongolia – The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health Healthcare costs are among the largest barriers to accessing health services and achieving universal health coverage (UHC) in Mongolia. In 2014, 0.7% or 5,681 households in Mongolia experienced catastrophic health expenditures due to out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses, spending more than 40% of their household subsistence income on health care.In this blog on out-of-pocket payments (OOP) in Mongolia published in January 2019, the author discusses the origins and impacts of these OOP payments, potential policy solutions and their likely impacts, and the challenges that Mongolia is likely to face in the near future.

Published on 28 Jan 2019