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Relaunching the P4H Network in Indonesia and exploring L4UHC options - P4H Network

Relaunching the P4H Network in Indonesia and exploring L4UHC options

USAID/Indonesia indicated to the P4H Coordination Desk (CD) that they would like to support the establishment of P4H in the country in order to improve the dynamics and coherence of collaboration, and second, to discuss options for responding to a DJSN request about building capacity in change management, communication and stakeholder interaction e.g. through a tailored version of the P4H Leadership for UHC (L4UHC) program.

The P4H CD welcomed this initiative and proposed a scoping mission to Indonesia from 6-10 March 2017 with two objectives:

  • Possible re-launch of the P4H Network in Indonesia, with a stronger focus on collaboration;
  • Exploring options for an L4UHC intervention tailored to the Indonesian context.

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The visit was facilitated by USAID.  WHO/SEARO joint the mission for 3 days.  The national and regional teams from ILO, WHO, WB, USAID and GIZ were very supportive. The CD met with all teams individually and participated in a joint DP meeting on 7 March; regarding national partners (NPs) meetings were arranged with BPJS (Pak Mundi), DJSN (Pak Sigid) and the Bappenas health office (Pak Pungka).

Agreements reached

  • Acknowledging the gaining momentum and window of opportunity for enhanced collaboration, all partners were in favor of re-launching the P4H Network in Indonesia.
  • The function of Country Focal Person (CFP) will be initially managed by USAID (Zohra Balsara); it was suggested to do this on a rotational basis;
  • Partners suggested a phased approach:

1st Phase: Formation and organization of the Network at DP level. This shall include agreeing on a modus operandi (TOR) as a common reference for exchange and collaboration, carrying out a mapping of DP interventions, and continue the discussion on designing a joint capacity development intervention to address political economy and adaptive challenges (consider possible adaptation of P4H L4UHC to Indonesian context, see below). 2nd Phase: Joint identification of a suitable national partner as host; jointly prepare invitation to join P4H Network.

CD Recommendations

  • A tailored version of the L4UHC is likely to be useful in Indonesia (in response to request from DJSN); however, in order to increase the chances of success it is important to invest in the preparations, in particular to get the diagnostics and selection of participants with sufficient ownership right.
  • Include the design of a change management and tailored leadership for UHC intervention as part of the tasks and collaborative plan of the P4H-IDN Network;
  • Continue the discussion on adaptive and political economy challenges among the Network members in order to sharpen the focus of the issues at hand; for communication to national partners and designing of tailored intervention this should be summarized in form of a short concept note (the P4H CD and the L4UHC team can support this process);
  • This would be followed by a joint national partner sensitization and planning exercise, e.g. a 1-day workshop to generate awareness and a basic understanding how the program could meet national partners’ capacity development requirements, and to identify a host/champion for this intervention; (the workshop could be facilitated by a leadership expert and UHC resource person)
  • Depending on availability of resources this could be combined with or complemented by a broader political economy analysis of UHC, however, such an analysis should be fully owned by the national partners (caveat external DP pressure, could be perceived as hidden agenda).

  Reports and Annexes:  2017-03-15-P4H-CD-report-Indonesia-6-10Mar17

2017-03-07-Annex1-P4H-ppt Annex2-P4HC+-modus-operandi-example



16 Mar 2017