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Results Based Financing Process Assessment - P4H Network

Results Based Financing Process Assessment

The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) commissioned and  P4H partner (P4H-GIZ Sector Programme, WHO Geneva) supported Results Based Financing (RBF) process assessment kicked of in June 2016.

In 2013, the Mid Term Review of the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) III, recommended instituting performance management systems in part through a national Pay for Performance strategy (MoHSW 2013).  The World Bank together with USAID have agreed to support the MOHCDGEC in implementing a pilot and subsequent roll out of the strategy, which is referred to as RBF. 

RBF fits within the new HSSP IV and is a core element of the draft Health Financing Strategy. The RBF design details all the roles that are performed by existing Government of Tanzania entities selected based on an assessment of their legislated functions and current capacity. The existing structure of the health sector, via the MOHCDGEC, PORALG- regional government and local government has been respected in this design.

The RBF scheme has just completed its pre-pilot phase in Kishapu district of Shiniyanga Region and is rolling out gradually since beginning of 2016 in other regions alongside the Big Results Now (BRN) initiative. BRN involves different interventions in different regions; some regions will have programmes to address health facilities, commodities, human resources and reproductive, maternal, new-born and child health (RMNCH), while other regions will implement only a subset of these programmes. All components are highly synergistic with RBF.

The RBF pre-pilot requires systematic monitoring, evaluation of processes and impact as well as thorough progress documentation.  To this end,  it is suggested to conduct a first process evaluation in Kishapu  district and Shinyanga region which will inform further roll out of the system.

The assessment is currently on-going, conducted by an expert team selected from international, regional and national level.  Final results are expected to be presented to the MOHDCGEC and relevant stakeholders beginning of October 2016.


Published on 25 Aug 2016