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Review of Vietnam Social Security’s (VSS) actuarial analysis models and capacity of health insurance benefits - P4H Network

Review of Vietnam Social Security’s (VSS) actuarial analysis models and capacity of health insurance benefits

The key stakeholders in Vietnam have identified gaps in their current management, legal documents, operational regulations and technical capacity to conduct actuarial analysis and in the use of the results in policy making and implementation of health insurance. The current Vietnam Health Insurance legal framework does not require actuarial work to be undertaken and has not created the institutional framework, capacity or functions to enable this to be carried out.

VSS is the nation-wide public agency with the mandate of administration and delivery of social insurance, social health insurance, and unemployment insurance schemes. In fact, VSS is responsible to manage and spend HI fund, with limited objectives related to the preparing of annual budget estimates and keeping track of expenditure and revenues. With the support of some development partners, VSS had developed several projection models but continues to have challenges in their use. There is limited trust in their accuracy and flexibility to support evolving analysis and monitoring needs. There is a desire to develop internal actuarial capacity and competencies so that an increasing amount of analysis can be carried out within the VSS.

In view of VSS’s needs and gaps, the ILO has supported the exercise of reviewing their existing actuarial analysis models and their actuarial capacity in health insurance, with the ultimate goal to strengthen the national actuarial modelling capacities in respect of the Health Insurance system and to build a strong VSS technical team in Health Insurance actuarial work including appropriate governance and management structures.

The result of the review will provide evidence and recommendations for long-term efforts to build VSS’s capacity in actuarial analysis in the future.

09 Feb 2021