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Russia is strengthening primary care as means of efficient resource management in health care - P4H Network

Russia is strengthening primary care as means of efficient resource management in health care

The Ministry of Health of Russia held a Board meeting (Collegium meeting) dedicated to primary health care in the Russian Federation.

“Improvement of public health indicators, prevention of premature mortality, increase in life expectancy of citizens are largely determined by the efficiency of primary care. This requires us to use modern approaches to assessing health care organizations and financial incentives based on specific health outcomes, — said the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko in his opening speech.

The Minister of Health of Russia noted that primary health care is the foundation of health care system”, since the first contact of patients with health care system happens in primary health care.

To further develop the primary health care, new proactive communication with the patient, and the transformation of patient interaction technologies are being considered. “We must work proactively with the patient to prevent the disease, stabilize the existing chronic disease, and minimize the risks of developing acute conditions. Patients needs must be met effectively at the contact with the healthcare system, both at the stage of acute conditions, and at the stage of ongoing management of chronic non-communicable diseases”, emphasized the Minister. Mikhail Murashko also named the development of primary health care a key condition for further effective development of the regions. 

As noted by the Minister, modernization of primary health care includes the following key provisions:

  • since 2019, as part of the national project “Healthcare”, improving the infrastructure of the primary health care took place;
  • in 2021, primary healthcare modernization program was launched to ensure 100% access to primary health care;
  • In 2021, more than 210 healthcare facilities were constructed, more than 480 prefabricated health clinics built, 18 healthcare facilities were purchased as real estate from other sectors,  more than 1,300 facilities had undergone capital renovation, more than 34.5 units of medical equipment and more than 7,600 medicla transport vehicles were delivered;

As part of the federal project, the construction and reconstruction of primary health care facilities is being continued.

Within the federal project on Primary Health Care, more than 1,700 health center satellites of primary health care organizations were launched (including physician assistant clinics and primary care physician clinics). In January-December 2021, 2.83 million patient visits were recorded in these newly launched primary care facilities.

In addition, by March 1, 2022, 288 mobile medical complexes were delivered to medical organizations across the Russian Federation, out of 304 mobile medical complexes scheduled for delivery in 2022, which constitutes 94.7% of this year’s plan.

To provide appropriate legal framework for the above work, the Russian Ministry of Health has significantly updated  regulations governing preventive medicine and the formation of healthy lifestyle.


Source: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

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Published on 18 Mar 2022