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Senegal: 20 billion increase in the Ministry of Health budget - P4H Network

Senegal: 20 billion increase in the Ministry of Health budget

The draft 2022 budget for the Ministry of Health and Social Action is set at 270,110,604,494 F CFA in commitment authorizations (AE) and 235,996,717,777 F CFA in payment credits (CP). Unlike 2021, when the budget was 216 billion CFA francs, it has been revised upwards by 20 billion CFA francs.

The draft budget is broken down by program.

  • The first program concerns Steering, Coordination and Administrative Management for the 2022 financial year, with appropriations set at 77,809,773, ,202 F CFA in AE and 62,640,818,202 FCFA in CP.
  • Program 2 concerns basic health. For fiscal year 2022, the appropriations for this program are set at 121,785,461,874 F CFA in AE and 114,351,810,774 F CFA in CP.
  • Next comes program 3, with the health reference for fiscal 2022, set at 67,304,303,340 F CFA in AE and 55,793,022,723 F CFA in CP.
  • And Program 4, Social Protection for fiscal year 2022, are set at 3,211,066,078 F CFA in AE and CP.

With regard to resources earmarked for Social Action, Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr, Senegal’s Minister of Health and Social Action, noted that these credits had risen from 346,985,000 FCFA to 701,718,675 FCFA, representing an increase of 354,730,675 F CFA in absolute terms and 102% in relative terms, before assuring that further efforts would be made to further support the Health Department in this area. 

Read more. 


Published on 03 Dec 2021