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SENEGAL: National diagnostic and orientation workshop on community mutuality - P4H Network

SENEGAL: National diagnostic and orientation workshop on community mutuality

The evaluation and the prospect of a new phase of the CMU in Senegal constitute an opportunity for the community mutual benefit society to take ownership and position itself as a force for proposal and responsibility in the management of the CMU program and social protection in general.

This is the background to the mutuality conclaves, which provide an opportunity for self-diagnosis, exchange and proposals for the development of community health insurance to provide better coverage for workers in the informal economy, the rural world and their families.

The overall objective of this action is to carry out a strategic diagnosis and define major orientations for the extension of health coverage, with a view to implementing phase II of the national universal health coverage program.

The meetings, whose ToRs are available to download, took place from 2 to 6 August 2021 under the moderation of PF P4H in Senegal, Mame Abdoulaye Gueye.


Published on 06 Aug 2021