Two items were on the agenda of this meeting of the technical committee for the evaluation of the universal health coverage program in Senegal:
- Pre-validation of the report on the CMU program’s service billing system ;
pre-validation of the report on the level of knowledge and appropriation of the CMU program by beneficiaries and stakeholders.
The discussions that followed the presentations focused on the following aspects :
- harmonization of billing methods ;
- a framework agreement between the CMU Agency and the Ministry of Health and Social Action ;
- compliance with the reference and counter-reference system ;
- improved targeting of free-of-charge initiatives.
In view of the shortcomings identified in the report on the level of knowledge and ownership of the CMU program, it was decided to rework it and resubmit it to the Technical Committee at a forthcoming session.
The report on the billing system was pre-approved, subject to the integration of the comments made.
Source: P4H focal point