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SHI update -/12/2014 - P4H Network

SHI update -/12/2014

Source: Marielle Goursat (advisor, financed by SIDA)

Legal framework 
  • SHI Draft Bill.
  • SHI integrated into 6th National Strategic Plan for 2011-2015, the National Strategic Plan for 2011-2015, the National Health Policy, the National Social Protection Policy and the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (2015-2017).
  • Provincial sensitization meetings (2 rounds)
  • National and Provincial consultative meetings on the SHI Bill.
  • Discussions (reports and debates) with the Parliamentary committee on Health, Community Development and Social service on SHI and strong support acquired.
  • Project plan.
  • Road Map.
  • Estimates on revenue from contributions to the SHI (to be finalized)
Systems design and development 
  • Design report
  • Actuarial assessment report.
  • Benefit package.
  • NSHIMA organogram.
  • NSHIMA Job Descriptions.
  • Relations established with other institutions and programmes with information systems that will be in relation with the SHI Information Systems (NAPSA, MCDMCH, DHIS2)
  • Main provider payment mechanism agreed.
Coverage of the informal sector
  • Review of best practices to engage the informal sector.
  • Informal sector rapid assessment report and recommendations on possible way to engage the informal economy workers.
  • Feasibility and opportunity assessment of mobile money to collect contribution from the informal sector.
  • On-going discussion with the saw milling industry to design appropriate solutions for covering the industry’s workers and ToRs for further study developed
  • Identification of community health saving schemes as a potential mean to facilitate payment of contributions to the SHI, Rapid assessment to be carried out in April (ILO funded)
  • On-going identification of other occupation-based informal sector groupings to facilitate cost efficient mass enrolment
Coverage of the vulnerable population groups
  • Note on how to use social safety nets to cover the Vulnerable.
  • Review of existing systems to cover the Vulnerable and active collaboration with the MCDMCH to cover the Vulnerable.
  • Design of procedures to link the SHI with the Social Cash Transfer programme.
  • Identification of other vulnerable poor population groups not covered by the SCT programme to be considered for coverage (to be validated)
Coverage of the private formal workers
  • Preliminary discussion with NAPSA to cover the formal private sector.-        Preparation of  the negotiations with NAPSA (note to be validated)
Capacity building
  • National Training plan (to be validated)
  • SHI training course done in Zambia by the ILO ITC (25 senior officers from social security institutions and line Ministries)
  • Draft Communication strategy
  • Immediate communication plan (to be validated).
  • Advocacy tools kit (to be validated).
  • SHI video being revised
Quality assurance
  • Note on accreditation, performance based purchasing and use of revenue at provider level (to be validated).
  • Concept note for key stakeholders workshop on accreditation, performance based purchasing and use of revenue at provider level (to be validated).
19 Dec 2014
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