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Disappointment and reaction of healthcare actors to the financial framework - P4H Network

Disappointment and reaction of healthcare actors to the financial framework

The Social Security Financing Bill for 2024 was adopted on Wednesday September 27 by the Council of Ministers.

The hospital federations (FHF, FHP, Fehap, Fnehad and Unicancer) agree that the level of inflation was “notoriously underestimated” when drawing up the 2023 National Health Insurance Expenditure Target (Ondam) for hospitals. They are therefore urgently calling for the hospital target to be revised by €1.5 billion.

The Fédération française des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes (FFMKR), for its part, considers the overall Ondam rate (+3.2%) “insufficient”. She was hoping for “bold” measures to “accelerate the modernization of the healthcare system, in particular by developing a more agile and economically relevant liberal healthcare offering”. Nor does the PLFSS include the reform of contributions for the self-employed promised by the Government, or the long-awaited direct access to physiotherapy care, according to the Federation, which is calling for it to be completed.

For its part, the Union nationale des professionnels de santé (UNPS) welcomes the 3.5% increase in the sub-target for outpatient care for 2024, but has doubts about the amount earmarked for contractual increases already agreed or still to come. She also suspects the authorities of circumventing the conventional system. This will only “complicate the existing system” and “miss its stated aim of improving access to care.”

Finally, the Syndicat national de l’industrie des technologies médicales (Snitem) is satisfied with the “dialogue approach” taken by the government since the submission of the report on the regulation of healthcare products (end of August 2023). However, he remains skeptical about the savings target of €150 million from price cuts alone.