Decided by the Government, which has requested support from the United Nations, the World Bank and the European Union, and to be completed in less than 3 months (August-October 2020)…
Deliverables :
- Socio-economic assessment of the impact of COVID-19 in the selected areas ;
- the integrated, budgeted recovery action plan (36 months), including actions to prevent and respond to the new hurricane season ;
- advocacy for resource mobilization.
The work is led by the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE), and five thematic groups have been set up to collect contributions, etc.
- WG 1 <Health system and essential health services> (MSPP)
- WP 2 <Social protection and basic service> (MAST)
- WG 3 <Employment and Productive Sectors> (MARHDR & MCI)
- WP 4 <Macro-economics> (MEF)
- WG 5 <Governance, land management, social cohesion and resilience> (Primature & MCI)
We have material that we’ve been asked to review, but which we can’t share. UNDP mentions the study(, but ignores the other partners.
As a stakeholder in GT1 and GT2 in particular, along with other partners, we’ll keep you informed in the hope of producing shareable products,
Photo : Haiti-Community-Construction-Housing-1N5A2896-Claude-André-Nadon(