- Opening: Manoj Jhalani, SEARO-WHO
- Purchasing priorities to respond to COVID-19: Inke MathauerHQ-WHO, TsolmonTsilaajav SEARO-WHO
- Country experiences: Indu Bhushan NHA-India, Albert Domingo Philippines-WHO
- Closing: Peter Cowley, WPRO-WHO
Moderation: Valeria de Oliveira Cruz, SEARO-WHO
- Share existing guidance on strategic purchasing for an effective Covid-19 response
- Discuss challenges and opportunities around contracting the private sector
- Identify possible policy options and actions needed to strengthen the Covid-19 response through strategic purchasing
Event Time : 19 May 2020 8:00 am to 19 May 2020 10:00 am
Timezone: UTC+02:00
Event is Conference : No