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Strengthening health budget execution in Lao PDR and Peru: Lessons from LHSS-JLN learning exchange - P4H Network

Strengthening health budget execution in Lao PDR and Peru: Lessons from LHSS-JLN learning exchange

Lao PDR and Peru improved their health budget execution by implementing tailored strategies with support from the LHSS-JLN Health Budget Execution Learning Exchange.

For countries striving to improve health budget execution, learning from others’ successful approaches is essential, but actual implementation is the true challenge. A blog titled ‘What Happened When Two Countries Applied Promising Practices to Strengthen Health Budget Execution: The LHSS-JLN Health Budget Execution Learning Exchange’ explores how Lao PDR and Peru adapted and began implementing promising practices.

The USAID Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Project assisted Lao PDR and Peru in identifying initial steps for better budget execution. This effort stemmed from the LHSS-Joint Learning Network (JLN) Health Budget Execution Learning Exchange, where ministries of health (MOH) practitioners from eight countries shared effective practices.

In Lao PDR, the government streamlined fund flow from the National Treasury to subnational levels, eliminating MOH intermediaries. Virtual workshops helped provincial health departments and facilities create clear health plans for better funding alignment.

In Peru, fragmented fund flows caused delays and administrative burdens. LHSS and MOH discussions led to developing the Health Budget Management Guide, outlining budget management rules and procedures, and a certification process for budget specialists.

These steps in Lao PDR and Peru demonstrate how technical assistance can help countries implement promising practices, leading to long-term improvements in health budget execution.
