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Successful launch of Leadership for UHC programme -/06/2014 - P4H Network

Successful launch of Leadership for UHC programme -/06/2014


Congratulations to the World Bank and GIZ team, as well as the Presencing Institute on the successful launch of the Leadership Development Programme (LDP) for UHC inPretoria, South Africa (23-26 June 2014).  The kick-off event brought together more than 30+ high level participants from Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Zambia and Ethiopia.


The LDP is particularly relevant for countries that wish to move closer to UHC, and would like to deepen their understanding of HOW TO get there, while

  • Different stakeholders, institutions and organizations have their own UHC-related strategies, and lack a shared vision that would enable them to jointly move towards shared goals;
  • Cooperation among the relevant ministries (e.g. Health, Finance, Labor) is limited and different government and private sector stakeholders don’t fully understand each other’s roles and relevance, or have conflicting interests;
  • Communication and cooperation between technical experts and the political leaders responsible for making UHC happen is insufficient and not sustained;
  • Policy makers are not sufficiently aware of the challenges faced by those who have to implement their policies at the local level.



  • Until the next face-to-face meeting, part 2 of the LDP, an Innovation Workshop in Rwanda in November, the participants are expected to engage with UHC reform groups in their respective countries.  This would certainly benefit from the full involvement and support from our colleagues at country level in order to create synergies among the global level and country level P4H activities.
  • After the encouraging launch, the LDP faculty has offered to broaden the participant mix, but also to enrol other selected P4H countries.  The CD has initiated discussions with the Ugandan P4H network to explore possibilities of enrolling a Ugandan team (see forum entries for more info on this).
  • The roll-out to francophone African countries and Asia is planned for 2015.



Please find below the debriefing materials of the kick-off event in South Africa and some observations/feedback from the P4H CD.

Some observations/feedback from the P4H CD (Claude Meyer, who participated in the Leadership for UHC kick-off event):     

       First of all, the relevance of the “Leadership for UHC Program” is unquestionable in the context of the countries supported by the P4H Network. So many countries have recently been flooded by various technical trainings in health financing and other health systems areas related to UHC but progress on the actual coverage varies significantly among countries: only a few have really succeeded (Rwanda and Ghana in Africa, Mexico, China, etc.) and this seems strongly related to leadership aspects.


          Second, the program greatly benefited from the combination of the Presencing Institute/GIZ approach and the WBI one: while the first one exposed the group to the most advanced leadership concepts, methods and individual practice, the WBI approach allowed the group to remain focused on tangible expected results in the area of UHC and with very pragmatic inputs in terms of applied tools and methods of collaboration for adaptive change.


          Third, the potential to use these leadership approaches in the P4H supported countries is immense. The CD will be happy to support the follow-up throughout the programme cycle as well as the expansion and roll-out to the African francophone and Asian countries.

14 Aug 2014