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Support for Ministry of Health health products in 2 Districts: participation in the transition from a mechanism to a system - P4H Network

Support for Ministry of Health health products in 2 Districts: participation in the transition from a mechanism to a system

The Ministry of Health has decided to play its part in everyone’s effort to ensure the continuity of the targeted payment exemption pilots that could be taken over by AMU. Reminder: since 2007, pilot payment exemption schemes for children under the age of 5 have been underway in several districts of Burkina Faso, with the support of INGOs and ECHO funding. ECHO funding has just recently come to an end, but with the prospect of a resumption of the exemption within a Universal Health Insurance framework (cf. in the P4H intranet the workshop held on June 9 &10, 2015), the government and PTFs are striving to ensure continuity until AMU becomes operational. In this context, the European Union’s PAPS project is proposing to take over the exemption in the Districts of Séguénéga and Tougan, where ST AMU will be in charge of project management. This system, which is currently being developed, could be operational for a year from November 2015. In order to ensure at least partial continuity of the payment exemption for current beneficiaries, the Ministry of Health has undertaken to make medicines available to the service providers concerned during the months of September and October. This document attests to the commitment : Appui médicaments 02-sept.-2015 21-29-14 It should also be noted that Unicef is funding the continuation of the pilot project supported by Help in Dori and Sebba (Sahel region) until at least December 2015. The implementation of AMU, if it were to confirm the 100% coverage of children under 5, could benefit from starting with this target and these Districts. In fact, they are already covered by a system that is well understood as being transitional.

Published on 04 Sep 2015