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Sustainable financing for health: Forging a new path - P4H Network

Sustainable financing for health: Forging a new path

Published in the World Bank Blog Series Investing in Health and authored by Mamta Murthi, the Vice President for Human Development at the World Bank, this blog lays emphasis on stronger domestic health financing and greater investment in health systems among others.


 One of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact (held earlier this month) focus areas is health, for three decades recognized as a mainstay of long-term growth, in many places, however, insufficiently funded to make any meaningful progress toward the health-related sustainable development goals. To turn the tide, we must forge a new path with three critical changes in the way we finance health. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic stressed the tremendous cost of underinvesting in health.  We cannot let the pandemic slip as an opportunity to change the way we finance it.  Greater, better aligned, and more effective investments that strengthen health systems are needed from both external and domestic sources.” says the author. 

The blog explores ways in which health financing can be approached in an uncertain economic future.


World Bank Blogs, 16 Jun 2023