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The Access to COVID-19 Tools – Accelerator (ACT-A) process guide for budgetary dialogue introduced from the P4H Global Coordination Desk to the Country Focal Persons (CFP) Namibia - P4H Network

The Access to COVID-19 Tools – Accelerator (ACT-A) process guide for budgetary dialogue introduced from the P4H Global Coordination Desk to the Country Focal Persons (CFP) Namibia

The Global Coordination Desk Core Team members presented the ACT-A process guide for national budgetary dialogue tool and opportunity to the P4H Country Focal Person (CFP) Namibia on 7th October 2021. The CFP Ethiopia along with the African Regional Office (AFRO) representative also attended the meeting to share experience. The discussion focused on highlights of the guide, ACT-A opportunities and potential as well as next steps of ACT-A Health Financing Workstream. The discussion with Global Coordination Desk was a good opportunity for the CFP to understand exactly what this initiative was about, but also to think through what the support to country offices would look like. That for Namibia at the time would be support for consultants to come in, to undertake pieces of analytical work, which would then lead into national budgetary dialogue.

Participants: The meeting was attended by MEYER Claude (Coordinator, P4H), BIGEARD Alexis (Health Systems Adviser, P4H), LAHARIYA Chandrakant (AFRO), YIN Jessika (CFP Ethiopia) and LUKWAGO Robinah (CFP Namibia).

Date of meeting: 7th October 2021

07 Oct 2021