To ensure the unequivocal authenticity of the electronic cards issued to beneficiaries as part of the implementation of the Assurance pour le Renforcement du Capital Humain (Arch), the Council of Ministers authorized the acquisition of 5,000 card readers at the beginning of July 2020.
This tool, which will help prevent fraud and other irregularities in the project’s implementation, will be made available to health facilities.
The beneficiaries of Arch’s pilot phase are using the electronic cards distributed to them, to facilitate treatment in health facilities. But cases of fraud and other difficulties have arisen during practical implementation in the field. Hence the need to identify beneficiaries by more appropriate means.
In order to avoid irregularities that could jeopardize the long-term viability of the project, the government has taken these measures. The ministers in charge of rolling out the project have therefore been instructed to acquire the card readers without delay.
Health insurance under ARCH will soon be extended to the entire population of Benin.
Source: Relais Pays Bénin
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