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The complex quest for coordinated health financing in Cambodia - P4H Network

The complex quest for coordinated health financing in Cambodia

A German-supported coordination mechanism, and one key advisor in particular, indicate a possible way forward with the big ‘4Gs’. 

‘Donor harmonisation depends a lot on individuals’, mused a somewhat disenchanted Bart Jacobs, long-time social health protection policy advisor for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Cambodia. In early 2020, Jacobs reflected on his and the German Development Cooperation’s efforts to bring international partners together to align to, and strengthen, the national health financing system. ‘We take some steps forward, then fall backwards when these individuals leave the country. So many people “wait and see”, or they try to re-invent everything, ignoring what has been achieved’. To someone who had worked in Cambodia on and off for the past 20 years, it was evident that progress in development partner coordination requires consistency, and that – although difficult to achieve – it is worth trying because ‘we recognise our limited budget, and that we can multiply our impact by working with others’. Read more….


July 9, 2021 / 11 minutes of reading – This is the full link to the article on Healthy DEvelopments.

Published on 12 Jul 2021