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TOGO-AMU: Parliament adopts draft law - P4H Network

TOGO-AMU: Parliament adopts draft law

On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, the Togolese Parliament unanimously adopted the bill instituting universal health insurance in Togo. This adoption marks a new stage in the realization of Togo’s ambition for universal health coverage, almost ten years after the National Health Insurance Institute (Inam) became operational with civil servants.

The new law guarantees access to quality healthcare for all segments of the population through a mechanism of risk pooling and solidarity in financing, an extension of Inam.

Following the vote on the bill to this effect, the President of the National Assembly, Yawa Djigbodi Tségan, indicated that the new provision will enable the population to benefit from quality healthcare at an affordable cost.

Although it is not yet known when this new vision of AMU in Togo will become operational, we can be sure that it will require a reinforcement of Togo’s health care facilities, especially in rural areas.

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16 Oct 2021