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Togo: FCFA 19 billion planned for universal health coverage in 2022 - P4H Network

Togo: FCFA 19 billion planned for universal health coverage in 2022

For this year, the Togolese government plans to devote 19 billion FCFA to Universal Health Coverage (UHC), according to official information. This represents 18% of the resources allocated to the Ministry of Health (which stand at 105.4 billion FCFA), according to the details of Togo’s Finance Law, fiscal year 2022.

This endowment comes just a few months after the adoption of a law on universal health coverage (CSU), designed to enable the Togolese people to “ benefit from quality health care at an affordable cost. “, indicated  YawaDjigbodi Tsègan, President of the National Assembly

This law, which institutes universal health insurance in Togo, marks the extension of the project for compulsory health insurance, whose pilot phase, deemed encouraging by the Togolese authorities, is being run by the National Health Insurance Institute (INAM).

At the end of last year, Togo signed a $70 million (38.5 billion FCFA) financing agreement with the World Bank for the universal health coverage project. The aim is above all to reach the most vulnerable citizens, especially pregnant women and children.

28 Jan 2022