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Universal Coverage Scheme: 10 outstanding accomplishments in 2020 - P4H Network

Universal Coverage Scheme: 10 outstanding accomplishments in 2020

The National Health Security Office (NHSO), Thai government’s independent agency overseeing Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS) despite the COVID 19 crisis initiated new health programs, health system response and social innovations that strengthen health system in 2020. 

NHSO has mobilized health finance from UCS fund, equivalent to 4.28 billion baht in total, to health emergency response, allowing public hospitals to provide free COVID-19 screening, testing, quarantine, and treatment to Thais.

Following the NHSO request, Thai cabinet approved the increase of UCS budget from 191 billion baht in 2020 to 195 billion baht in 2021, equivalent to 2.2% increase. 

These among others are the major financial progress made in health in Thailand. 

Read the original article published in the Thai Government website here.

Imgae credits: NHSO Thailand

12 Jan 2021