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Upcoming course on Benefit-cost analysis: Valuing life and health - P4H Network

Upcoming course on Benefit-cost analysis: Valuing life and health

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is organising an online course for practitioners, scholars, policymakers, and other stakeholders who have some familiarity with methods for economic evaluation and want to increase their basic understanding of benefit-cost analysis on September 16-20, 2024.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is launching an innovative online course titled “Benefit-Cost Analysis: Valuing Life and Health,” designed to cater to both seasoned economists and newcomers. Led by Harvard expert Lisa A. Robinson, the program aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of benefit-cost analysis (BCA), a crucial tool for evaluating policy impacts and informing decision-making across various sectors.

The course emphasizes the systematic assessment of policy impacts, highlighting key trade-offs inherent in policy decisions. It addresses the complexities of resource allocation amidst constrained budgets, making it indispensable for governments and organizations globally. BCA’s role in valuing changes in health, longevity, and safety is pivotal, with methodologies tailored for diverse economic settings, from high-income countries to low-income economies.

Participants will benefit from Robinson’s expertise and insights, alongside contributions from other leading experts. Through interactive presentations, case studies, and discussions, attendees will gain practical skills in applying BCA to real-world policy scenarios. The course covers topics such as the value per statistical life (VSL) and methods for valuing non-fatal injuries and illnesses, critical for accurate policy evaluation.

Moreover, the program explores various policy areas where BCA is instrumental, including pandemic response, infrastructure development, climate change mitigation, and public health regulations. It equips participants with the ability to critically evaluate the benefits and costs of policies, ensuring evidence-based decision-making across complex policy landscapes.

Enrollment is now open for this essential online program, offering participants a deep dive into the advantages, limitations, and applications of BCA. Whether aiming to refresh existing knowledge or delve into this critical field for the first time, this course promises to enhance analytical capabilities and empower informed policy decisions.

Benefit-Cost Analysis: Valuing Life and Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health