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Update on HF and HI - April 2014 - P4H Network

Update on HF and HI – April 2014

Source: GIZ The GIZ team in Nepal provides an update on the activities they are currently supporting in health financing /health insurance in Nepal.  The updated is particularly addressing the “global” colleagues [supporting Nepal] as in most activities the local network colleagues are involved.  Questions, comments or suggestions would be most welcome.    I) Preparing National Health Insurance 

  •  On the insurance side, MoHP has forwarded the implementation guideline to the MOF (no English translation available yet…we try to get a translation)
  • MoHP is in the process of setting up offices as well as hiring staff (Manager at district level, enrollment office and administrative staff at least we did see the ToRs!) –          With the support from KOICA, MoHP will have 3 personnel to work on IT for the health insurance (KOICA can share the ToRs upon request)
  • As regards the information management system for the health insurance, after discussing at the MoHP/ NHI unit, the Information Management System (IMIS) software used in Tanzania was considered a practical option for Nepal given the short timeframe for implementation. Tanzanian system was developed by Swiss Centre for International Health funded by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). This software is designed in the developing country context, works in both online and offline mode and has provision for enrollment even through mobile phone. SDC will provide the software for Nepal free of cost, but customization and adaption in Nepalese context will be needed. For the this purpose, we have drafted activity plan in the attached ToR and GIZ is planning to contract Swiss . Please find the specifications of IMIS and the draft ToRs attached please send us comments and suggestions if you have any as soon as possible. 



II) Training Courses Health Financing and Hospital governance, financing and administration   In February NHTC with support from GIZ and KOICA held a stakeholder consultations on the training formats.   The decision was taken that there will be 3 courses developed (working titles):

  1. Health Financing for Policy Makers
  2. Health Financing for District Health Managers
  3. Hospital Governance, financing and administration 

A first draft of the course outline can be found below.    First week of May, we expect to finalize together with the selected pool of trainers (from within the system and external trainers) the training material for the Health Financing Course for Policy Makers.    For the third course we have conducted a rapid assessment on trainings received & perceived training needs in the target group. We welcome any information on consultants, trainers and/or universities that could support the curriculum development, training of trainers and supervising the first set of  courses. (we will share the final report this week)   Everything else is work in progress.  2014_04_01_Nepal_draft_outline_of_training_courses     III) Capacity Development Health Economics    From 28th March to 4th April a training for MPH students of the Institute of Medicine is taking place in cooperation with the Queen Margret University of Edinburgh. This is a follow up activity that has been initiated and funded by SEARO last year (see the course outline attached). As the ongoing support to curriculum revision at IOM is fairly difficult, we currently consider training the students as more effective. However, we will repeat the faculty training for the Central Department of Economics this year (a draft curriculum for health economics has been developed, however needs to be revised to adapt to the recent change from the annual to a semester system).  2014_03_13_Nepal_introduction_to_Health_Economics_April_2013_revised  

Published on 01 Apr 2014