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Update on Tajikistan -/09/2014 - P4H Network

Update on Tajikistan -/09/2014

Source: WHO CO TJK 

Here is a short update on the latest development in health financing area as of today:

§  Roadmap on comprehensive health financing changes in Tajikistan. It has been supported by all Development partners and national ministries and agencies except MOF. Late July the MOHSPP forwarded a letter to the MOF with the development partners’ concerns about slow progress in health financing area. The reply from the MOF has not yet been received.


§  Strategic plan. Meanwhile, the sub-TWGs have finalized the detailed Strategic plan based on the Roadmap. It was presented at the TWG on health financing meeting chaired by first deputy minister on 2 September. The representatives from the MOF (specialist from Social sector department), MOE, MOL and development partners participated at this meeting. During this meeting the MOE and MOL supported this Strategic plan. The representative from the MOF supported most of the parts of this plan BUT again two activities “pooling” and “MHI introduction” undermined, saying that the MOF leaders have a big concern of feasibility of implementing these two issues. Therefore, further discussion with the MOF is needed. After this TWG meeting, the strategic plan (only in Russian) has been forwarded to the members of this TWG for the final comments. The MOHSPP expects to get the comments by end of September. Then it will be shared with the Government for the final decision.


§  Capitation at PHC level. The WB is currently supporting this area, in particular purifying the formula of capitation and developing a national normative for budget formation. Capitation should be rolled out nationally by the end of 2016 or beginning of 2017. Furthermore, RBF/P4P at PHC level has been started piloted in Tajikistan with the support of the WB lately. The Health financing forum focusing on capitation and RBF/P4P at PHC level will take place during 23-24 September.     


§  BBP. In 2014 the MOH&SPP scaled up BBP in 6 new rayons. As a result, BBP has been implementing in 14 rayons throughout the country. By end of this year, the MOHSPP should carry out a monitoring of implementation of BBP in these rayons based on the indicators that were developed earlier this year with support of development partners. It should assist to improve further BBP and possibly scale it up in the next years in other new rayons. These results will be integrated into JAR 2014.





Published on 22 Sep 2014