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WEBINAR - Extending financial protection to underserved and socially excluded populations - P4H Network

WEBINAR – Extending financial protection to underserved and socially excluded populations

Health inequalities are systematic differences in the health status of population groups; social factors such as education, employment status, income level, gender and ethnic origin influence an individual’s health[1]. It is important to address health inequalities, as this not only affects the groups facing disparity, but also has an impact on the quality and cost of care, as well as the health of the population as a whole. One mechanism for addressing health inequalities is to extend financial protection schemes to the entire population, including underserved and socially excluded groups (e.g. people in rural areas, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, pregnant women, children).

In this webinar, we’ll discuss promising approaches and strategies for ensuring fairer financial protection. Our panelists will present the results of a global literature review and share Senegal’s experience. The presentation will focus on the non-financial obstacles that need to be taken into account to optimize healthcare coverage for the poor and vulnerable.

This webinar will be offered in English and French.


Karishmah Bhuwanee, MSc, Senior Associate/Economist, Abt Associates (Moderator)/Associé Principal/Économiste, Abt Associates (modérateur)

Heather Cogswell, MPH, MBA, Health Financing Associate, Abt Associates/Associée au Financement de la Santé, Abt Associates

Scott Stewart, PhD, MSPH, Senior Health Economist, Lead, Resource Optimization Team, USAID Office of Health Systems, Bureau for Global Health/Économiste Principal de la Santé, Responsable de l’Équipe d’Optimisation des Ressources, Bureau des Systèmes de Santé de l’USAID, Bureau de la Santé Global

Marie Therese Rose  Ndiaye, MSc, Head of the Division of Care for the Indigent and Vulnerable People, Operations Department of the National Agency for Universal Health Coverage, Ministry of Community Development of Social and Territorial Equity of Senegal/Chef de Division de la Prise en Charge des Indigents et des Personnes Vulnérables, Direction des Opérations de l’Agence Nationale pour la Couverture Maladie Universelle, Ministère du Développement Communautaire de l’Equité Sociale et Territoriale du Sénégal

Ousseynou Diop, PhD, Health Economist, Director of the Single National Register, General Delegation for Social Protection and National Solidarity of Senegal/Economiste de la Santé, Directeur de la Registre National Unique, Délégation Générale à la Protection Sociale et à la Solidarité Nationale du Sénégal

Event Time : 23 Jun 2022 7:00 am to 23 Jun 2022 8:00 am
Timezone: UTC-04:00
Event is Conference : Yes