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Webinar: How does population ageing affect health system financial sustainability and affordable access to health care? - P4H Network

Webinar: How does population ageing affect health system financial sustainability and affordable access to health care?

The WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Financing is hosting a webinar on 19 March 2025, from 10:00 to 11:30 CET, to explore how population ageing affects health system financial sustainability.

The WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Financing is hosting a webinar to explore how the ageing population in the European Union, where over a quarter of people will be 65 or older by 2040, could challenge the sustainability of health financing systems. The event will take place on 19 March 2025, from 10:00 to 11:30 Central European Time, with participation from international and country-level experts.

With ageing populations putting additional pressure on health systems, it is vital to discuss how countries can manage financial gaps and ensure financial protection, aiming for universal health coverage without increasing out-of-pocket expenses that could lead to catastrophic health spending.

The webinar will focus on practical policy solutions, emphasising the importance of broad public revenue bases and strong health coverage policies to protect households from financial hardship. Experts will discuss strategies for maintaining progress towards universal health coverage despite fiscal constraints.


  • Dirk van den Steen, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission
  • Jon Cylus, Senior Health Economist, WHO Barcelona Office
  • Tamás Evetovits, Head, WHO Barcelona Office
  • Sarah Thomson, Senior Health Financing Specialist, WHO Barcelona Office
  • Joe Kutzin, R4D Fellow
  • Maris Jesse, Health Systems Consultant, Estonia
  • Yann-Gael Amghar, Head of the Social Department, Prime Minister’s Office, France