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Webinar on strengthening health economics in WAHO region to focus on health financing - P4H Network

Webinar on strengthening health economics in WAHO region to focus on health financing

A webinar titled “Strengthening Health Economics in the WAHO Region in Response to the ALM-Declaration Agenda: A Focus on Health Financing” will be held on July 19th, hosted by the West African Health Organization (WAHO) with the Thanzi Programme and the University of York.

The webinar will focus on strengthening health economics in the West African Health Organization (WAHO) region in alignment with the African Leaders’ Meeting – Investing in Health (ALM-Declaration) agenda. Chaired by Emmanuel Odame from Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, the session aims to explore the critical theme of health financing under the notion of “more money for health.”
The webinar will feature experts including Edward Kataika, Dr. Priscilla Kandoole, Dr. Jessica Ochalek, Prof. Adama Faye, Dr. Finn McGuire, and Prof. Luigi Siciliani, from the organizing organizations and institutions who will discuss health economic research, the impact of health spending, and future challenges. The event will include a panel discussion and a Q&A session, providing a comprehensive overview of health financing experiences and insights into the broader economic benefits of health investments.
