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White Labelling - Qu'est-ce-que-c'est? - P4H Network

White Labelling – Qu’est-ce-que-c’est?

The P4H Web Platfom is the best investment ever made by the Network….

…Said the World Bank at the P4H Steering Group meeting in 2017 when the platform was launched. Amongst the many features that enable a complete PARK approach (Product development; Activity management; Relationship growth; and Knowledge co-production), the personalised user’s pathway bolstered by creative functions  stands out.

The goodies of the platform? A myriad, amongst which a small illustrative numbers are mentioned hereunder:

  • Personal dashboard based on preferences
  • Calendar that synchs with all devices
  • In-house chat with emojis
  • In-house networking address book (based on request acceptance)
  • Instant survey to consult stakeholders
  • Rich use of pictures, multimedia and infographics
  • Automated newsflash  & newsletters
  • Automated link with all social media accounts to populate news
  • Smart blogs to give voices a space to express their perspective
  • Complete tailoring of confidentiality and security criteria
  • Universal Objects pages with interactive timelines, space managers and communities
  • Cross-fertilisation of knowledge and insight across spaces (country pages, topical pages)
  • Co-production of knowledge through sharing and editing of a variety of materials

And of course, the prominent trait of this state-of-the-art Digital work space is…the White Labelling itself, which is the capacity to clone the platform and offer it (without content or visual identity of course) to global health networks which are interested.

Too good to be true? Not quite. This is because solidarity and appetite for collaboration are enshrined in the DNA of the P4H Network.

Or as WHO Director of Health systems Governance and Financing Dr Agnès Soucat puts it:

This platform is a genuine contribution to public goods.

Interested in knowing more? Here is a document that summarises everything you wish to know about White Labelling. Feel free to read, to contact us for a chat or a response to any questions!

And if you wish to join the group of already 9 Networks that use the same platform, come and meet us at 

Published on 03 Dec 2018