The Health Financing and Investment (HFI) program is one of the 9 programs under the UHC Life course cluster. The main objective of the HFI program is to support countries to strengthen their Health Financing Systems and enhance progress towards UHC through generation of evidence and provision of high-quality technical guidance.
The program seeks to support countries to develop and implement robust health financing policies, strategies and health financing reforms; provide countries with tools and frameworks to formulate results-oriented health budgets, sound pooling arrangements and efficient purchasing strategies; build the capacity of countries to conduct and institutionalise health expenditure tracking and generate evidence to inform policy dialogue and decision making.
The program acknowledges the value proposition of the P4H network, of which WHO is a founding member, and which Coordination Desk is mainly based in WHO/HQ/HGF/PHF.
To this end the HFI program seeks to recruit a consultant for 5 months to provide technical support to the work of the HFI unit program with technical work (50%) and in the facilitation of stakeholders’ collaboration in health financing in the framework of the P4H network and offerings (50%).