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WHO-facilitated access to European reference labs was vital in confirming COVID-19 cases - P4H Network

WHO-facilitated access to European reference labs was vital in confirming COVID-19 cases

According to WHO/Europe news, throughout the pandemic, WHO reference laboratories have played a vital role in the confirmation of COVID-19 cases. They are mainly used when countries do not have the capacity to do all the testing they need themselves and when experience of testing for the virus is limited.

Since March 2020, hundreds of samples have been sent from Member States across the WHO European Region to laboratories based in Berlin, London, Paris, Rotterdam and Bilthoven (the Netherlands), Koltsovo (Russian Federation) and Geneva, where they are sequenced to confirm positive COVID-19 diagnoses, or resolve so-called “false negatives” – where presence of the virus has not been confirmed through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing of sick patients.

In addition, laboratory experts from WHO/Europe and reference laboratories have delivered both on-site and online sequencing training to health professionals in Azerbaijan and other countries in the WHO/Europe region.

“Many of the submitting labs needed our help to resolve urgent public health questions. Others used our input to build or validate their own diagnostic setup,” explained Christian Drosten, who leads the reference laboratory in Berlin.

Such fruitful collaboration among countries was possible through several UN-agenices, pf which WHO is instrumental in facilitating joint response to public health threats.



Photo courtesy: SNGtoday at

27 Oct 2021
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