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Workshop to launch the public expenditure traceability survey in Chad during the World Bank mission from March 4 to 13 - P4H Network

Workshop to launch the public expenditure traceability survey in Chad during the World Bank mission from March 4 to 13

A World Bank mission is to visit Chad from March 4 to 14, 2014, to continue preparation of the Maternal and Child Health Reinforcement Project, validate the Chad Health Strategy Report, and organize a workshop on the Chad Public Expenditure Traceability Survey.

It will be led by Aïssatou Diack (Task Team Leader), with the participation of Paul Jacob Robyn (Health Specialist), Olivier Guy (Economist), Charles Donang Ningayo (Senior Procurement Specialist), Celestin Adjalou Niamien (Senior Financial Management Specialist), Maman-sani Issa (Senior Environmental Specialist), and Peter Bachrach (Consultant); Lombe Kasonde (Operations Analyst), Hélène Barroy (Economist), Berthe Tayelim (Program Assistant) and Nicole Hamon (Program Linguistic Assistant).

The main objectives of this mission are:

(i) Project to strengthen maternal and child healthThis will be achieved through meetings attended by the project preparation group, key stakeholders from the public and private sectors, development partners involved in Performance-Based Financing (PBF) and community health; and the finalization of a first draft of the project fiduciary assessments (financial management and procurement) conducted in January 2014 by the Bank’s fiduciary team.
(ii) Rapport Stratégique sur la Santé au Tchad: organize a workshop to validate the findings and recommendations; and
(iii) Enquête de Traçabilité des Dépenses Publiques au Tchad: organize a workshop to launch the study.

19 Feb 2014