The French National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee has examined the bill to approve the Social Security accounts for 2023. Solicited by the Social Security Department, the Union nationale des organismes complémentaires d’Assurance maladie (Unocam) has submitted its opinion.
Unocam notes the “worrying” situation of the social security accounts in a context of weaker-than-expected growth, requiring the implementation of certain measures to ensure the financing of future deficits. In particular, Unocam noted the particularly high deficit in the health insurance branch (€11.1 billion), a situation that calls for “specific action“. Complementary health insurance representatives noted that the spending target had been exceeded once again, against a backdrop of tension, particularly in terms of access to care for policyholders.
Unocam states that the complementary health insurance organizations (Ocam) are “ready to participate in the collective effort to maintain a high-level healthcare system”.
They will, however, oppose uncoordinated burden transfers.
The body recommends strengthening cooperation between funders on the subjects of financial trajectory and the challenges of preventing and combating fraud.
Exchanges could thus take place within the dialogue committee of complementary healthcare organizations, prior to the preparation of the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS) for 2025.