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Zambian Team completes Leadership for UHC programme - Mar 2015 - P4H Network

Zambian Team completes Leadership for UHC programme – Mar 2015

Source: GIZ, on behalf of Leadership for UHC team

From 9 to 12 March, we completed the 9-month joint GIZ / World Bank program “Leadership for UHC” with the third module hosted in Istanbul.


We would like to give you a last update on what we heard from the Zambian team during these days and what they aspire to doing next. We were made aware of the steps the MOH and the team attending the program has made in creating broad coalitions based on stakeholder analysis and use of targeted communication. We also heard of the difficulties for the SHI agenda created by the merging of the SHI and Pension bills. Next steps planned by the team are focused on MOH leadership and analyzing the financial side of the UHC reform agenda in cooperation with MOF. You can find all information we have in the attached file.


We hope that the program has supported the Zambian efforts towards UHC in some small way. Feedback from participants gives us hope that we have: 


 “The course was very valuable and helped me reflect on my own role as a leader for UHC. All the concepts we learnt, the work we did, and will do for years to come makes this reform movement powerful. You  helped change what it means to get involved and lead what you believe in for UHC. I thank you all for the passion and desire to move this agenda along. I feel much more confident and will be doing my part to get UHC agenda going.”

Published on 16 Mar 2015