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3335 results
Niger: Validation and alignment of the national CSU strategy

Niger: Validation and alignment of the national CSU strategy


On Tuesday, May 25, 2021, the workshop for consistency, consolidation and validation of the national strategy for universal health coverage (UHC) opened in the meeting room of the NGO LIBO in Liboré. The meeting, which lasted four (4) days, was organized by the DEP of...

Bangladesh’s Health Budget during the Pandemic

Bangladesh’s Health Budget during the Pandemic


Bangladesh has had less than 1% share of the annual budget for the health sector for over a decade now. The Covid 19 crisis has only made it more important to invest more in health services, infrastructure and personnel. This opinion piece by Dr Fahmida Khatun gives...

Niger: Restitution of the I3S project and presentation of INAM

Niger: Restitution of the I3S project and presentation of INAM


A number of players were in conclave on May 19, 2021 at Centre International des Conférences Mahatma Gandhi in Niamey. For this reason, they took part in the restitution workshop of the Initiative Solidarité Santé Sahel (I3S) project, followed by the...

Сенегал: журналисты знакомятся с программой обязательного медицинского страхования работников

Сенегал: журналисты знакомятся с программой обязательного медицинского страхования работников


Инициатором виртуальной встречи выступил , Институт координации обязательного страхования от несчастных случаев (ICAMO). Цель семинара заключалась в том, чтобы вооружить журналистов знаниями, необходимыми для понимания ключевых концепций и проблем, связанных с...

Senegal: Meeting of the Social Protection Thematic Group

Senegal: Meeting of the Social Protection Thematic Group


The members of the Social Protection in Senegal thematic group met on May 25 to take stock of the situation. Participants took it in turns to catch up on the activities of their respective organizations. They then followed a presentation by the World Bank...

Govt to borrow additional THB500 billion to aid Covid-19 response

Govt to borrow additional THB500 billion to aid Covid-19 response


The Royal Gazette website on Tuesday published an emergency decree allowing the Ministry of Finance to borrow money to tackle the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 outbreak among other things Of the THB 500 billion THB 30 billion will be allocated for...

Budget FY 2021-22: Covid-19 vaccination to get priority

Budget FY 2021-22: Covid-19 vaccination to get priority


Keeping the mass vaccination in mind, the revenue target for the next fiscal has been set Tk 389,078 crore, which is 11.02% of the GDP, according to the finance ministry and National Board of Revenue (NBR) sources. There will be Tk 10,000 crore special allocation for...