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CSU law enacted

CSU law enacted


The President of the Republic has promulgated, on August 05, 2019, Law n°35 instituting Universal Health Coverage in Chad. The country has thus taken a decisive step towards Universal Health Coverage.

Measures taken by the Argentinian Government against COVID-19


Here are some of the measures taken by the Argentinian Government against COVID-19: The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 297/2020 establishes social, preventive and mandatory isolation until June 28, 2020 for all people in the country. The DNU 260/2020 extends...

Notification: Prevention and containment of COVID-19 in Bhutan


With the first confirmed case of COVID-19 reported in Bhutan on March 5th 2020, the containment and prevention of the virus became the government´s priority. The Ministry of Finance in keeping of the Public Finance (Amendment) Act 2012 and of the Disaster Management...

Measures announced by the Belgium Government against COVID-19


Taking account the measures announced in Belgium, as of 15 April 2020, the stimulus is estimated at EUR 55.1 billion or 11.4% of GDP (excluding the impact of deferrals of taxes and social contributions). The majority of these measures (EUR 51.8 billion) were to...

Ukraine: review of health financing reforms 2016-2019


In 2015, the Government of Ukraine initiated transformative reforms of its health system to improve population health outcomes and ensure financial protection from excessive out-of-pocket payments. This was to be achieved through increasing efficiency, modernizing the...

Reforming public hospital financing in China: progress and challenges


In 2019, Chinese researchers described the effects of the financing reforms of public hospitals and suggests steps to further progress towards equitable, efficient, and good quality care by reviewing China's health system financing reform over 10 years. Key messages:...

Kyrgyzstan examined transforming national health system towards UHC


Improving financial protection and access to health care for citizens is the key financing issues in Kyrgyzstan. In 2016, the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan celebrated the anniversary of the mandatory health insurance system – the main vehicle of Universal Health...